Useful documents
You can have a partial refund of your expenses (championships, regional training courses) thanks to the bill of expenses. To know which events meet the requirements, you can refer to the refund table (no need to print it). A 15 days period maximum is allowed to give the bill of expenses back to the treasurer. After this period of time, no bill of expenses will be taken in account.
Read all news :
- club training news if you want to know when the trainings begin, if they are disrupted during holidays, etc
- championships news if you want to know when the next championships happen
- training course news if you want to know when the next training courses are
And here is the regional calendar
Tenugi and club jacket
You can find specific equipment at the club :
Club jacket : Fleece jacket with the logo in the back. To be worn during training courses or championships (but also in daily life) – 38 € for MKC members (the club finances a part of each jacket) ; 53 € for the others.
Initially thought to be worn above the do, large sizes are especially available.
- S size: 1
- L size : 11
- XL size : 2
- XXL size : 1
Don’t hesitate to ask somebody who already owns one to try it!
20 year old tenugi – 5 euros
25 year old – 5 euros
30 year old – 5 euros